Community Guidelines
Clarification of Terms:
To ensure our site is compliant with industry standards, we ask that our users adhere to our Community Guidelines. Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in restrictions or removal of your account. These guidelines are subject to change based on our community interests and needs, while also maintaining compliance with other industry guidelines and regulations.
1. Age Requirements
All users must be at least 16 years old or older to register and use our platform. Users who are of the age of 16 and 17 are subject to different content visibility. PygmalionAI staff reserve the right to remove a user from the platform if the user is discovered or reported (with evidence) to be under the age of 16. False reports or allegations will not tolerated, and the accuser may be subject to removal from our platform.
2. Content and Card Creation
All users must comply with the following content clauses: - All non-private Cards that are uploaded to the platform must be written in the English language. - All uploaded Cards must be of your own creation. If a Card is found to be made by someone else, it will be removed from our platform. Ownership dispute will be settled with proof of evidence from the original owner of the Card. - All public Cards must comply with Section 3: Public Cards of our guidelines. - All sensitive Cards must comply with Section 4: Sensitive Cards of our guidelines. - All unlisted Cards must comply with Section 3: Public Cards and/or Section 4: Sensitive Cards of our guidelines, depending on their assigned category. - All Cards must comply with Section 6: General Card Guidelines of our guidelines.
3. Public Cards
Public Cards are intended to be enjoyed and interacted with by everyone. To ensure a comfortable experience for all users, all Public Cards are to be devoid of any sensitive topics, themes, or subjects within their contents. If a Public Card is found to contain sensitive content, PygmalionAI staff reserve the right to label your Card as “Sensitive.”
4. Sensitive Cards
Sensitive Cards can be best described as containing content intended for a mature audience. Users who are of the age of 18 or above who wish to interact with Sensitive Cards must opt-in through their personal user settings and must consent to access Sensitive Cards of mature content. By providing this consent, users acknowledge and accept potential viewing and interaction of Sensitive Cards that may not be to their liking. Users are able to control their content access by blocking certain content from being shown in their personal settings. Any and all image content in all Sensitive Cards must not contain sexual, graphic, controversial or other extreme elements. Some leniency is provided to the text content of Cards as long it abides by Section 6: General Card Guidelines, however, text content that is too graphic, controversial or contain other extreme elements may be subject to removal. PygmalionAI staff reserve the right to remove Cards from the platform if the content of the Card violates our community guidelines.
5. Private Cards
Users are allowed to create and interact with their Private Cards as they see fit. We do not proactively seek out or monitor content within Private Cards out of respect of user privacy, however, users who are discovered or found on-site or off-site to be engaging with their Private Cards in prohibited topics will be subject to removal of their account. Users can trust that their private creative endeavours will not be interfered with unless a valid concern is raised within the community or by PygmalionAI staff. Users are advised that PygmalionAI staff review all Cards submitted for public and sensitive categories. It is recommended that you do not accidentally label your private-only Cards for public or sensitive submission as it may lead to Administrator investigation of your profile.
6. General Prohibited Topics
The following content is not allowed in any Cards or interactions: - Any and all Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) content. - Hate speech that promotes violence, discrimination, or prejudice based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or other protected characteristics in the real world. Fictional discrimination between fantasy species or races is acceptable, and towards humanity as a whole, however any allusions to certain human groups will not be tolerated. - Real-life animal related abuse. - Explicit depictions of sexual content that has the scenario or character(s) involve the user in a sexual scenario, or activity, or the Card is designed to be used in only sexual implications, or is involved of body parts, actions or descriptions intended for a sexual context. Nudity is not allowed for image and text contents. - All characters who are explicitly described with an age must be 16 years old or above. - Characters in Cards may be aged up from their canonical age if they are explicitly mentioned being above 16 years old and their appearance is consistent with their aged-up version. To avoid confusion, do not use the same canonical source appearance. - No depictions of controversial characters or scenarios based on historical events/real life events/religious icons. - Characters based on other community users, private individuals in the real world, or any living person must be made with their consent. Public figures are excluded from this.
7. Bad Actor Guidelines
Users may be removed from the site for the following reasons:
- Impersonation of PygmalionAI staff or other organization members. - Inappropriate username and/or display name(s). - Inappropriate profile picture and/or banner(s). - Spamming the website with content or using the site with malicious intent. - Harassment towards other users, the PygmalionAI team or other organization members.
This Community Guidelines page will be updated according to the community team rulings. Please enjoy our platform. For any enquiries about this page, please email